About Botruc

Our Tradition
L&M BoTruc was established in 1948 by the late Minor Cheramie to provide marine services to the oil and gas industry along the Gulf Coast. L&M was one of the first companies in the marine industry to utilize the wheelhouse forward deck aft supply vessel concept with the launching of the very first Botruc in 1956 cementing the company’s name as one of the most recognizable names in the offshore supply vessel market. Practical design and construction of each vessel in order to meet the needs of a wide range of task has prepared L&M to meet any customer need of the offshore oil and gas industry. From carrying large capacities of below deck as well as on deck cargo to navigational capabilities such as dynamic positioning L&M has kept up with technology advancements to keep its fleet marketable and current.
In addition to a capable fleet L&M also has the strength of an experienced seasoned workforce. From seasoned mariners running vessels offshore to a strong shoreside support staff L&M employees have seen many different challenges and are prepared for anything that may arise in an offshore environment. With the company having been in business since 1956 there are employees who have worked at L&M for 20, 30 or in some cases over 40 years. This kind of experience and familiarity with company policy and industry needs has proven to be an invaluable strength for L&M.
Providing a safe working environment for employees, clients and any third-party contractors is essential to L&M’s operating procedures. L&M uses a company specific Safety Management System with procedures that are considered and implemented into every task. These procedures are followed very precisely in order to eliminate any personal hazards to crew, clients or contractors and to ensure no task taken on by L&M vessels leaves a negative environmental impact.
Ongoing preventive maintenance is expertly facilitated in a prompt, urgent manner by crews and port engineering staff with a complete in-house inventory of parts and materials vital to the fleet. This has enabled L&M’s fleet to remain on the job by minimizing downtime for repairs and United States Coast Guard inspections.
Confidence in the capability of the fleet, the ability and skill of competent personnel, a professionally managed and executed Safety Management System and the flexibility of sole ownership has enabled L&M Botruc to remain as a company of proven professionals with an ever-growing list of clients. Clients are always glad to see the easily recognizable green and cream of the L&M Botruc Rental insignia handling their offshore vessel needs.

Our Commitment
L&M Botruc is uncompromisingly committed to the safety of its workforce, the protection of our clients’ assets, and the preservation of our environment. To this end, the company has in place a formalized training program, conducts frequent safety audits, holds pre-job safety meetings, and places stop work authority in the hands of every crew member.
The result of this corporate-wide focus is that our personnel are among the most highly trained specialists in the industry, with expertise in both their respective fields, as well as in accident prevention and environmental responsibility.
Safety is Always on Board.